Is Feng shui effective? The truth will be revealed to you in this article when we discuss the various arguments given by researchers as well as practitioners.
Advocates of Feng Shui believe that proper placement of your objects and the effective use of certain tools of the tradewill bring about harmony with the environment. When this “harmony” is achieved, there will be a proper flow of positive energy (Qi) and good fortune will befall you. Whereas, non-believers criticize it as plain superstition and some even relate it with sorcery.
In this modern age, some entrepreneurs have modified the concept of Feng Shui to accommodate the western culture. Let us look at the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist (BTB Feng Shui). Thomas Lin Yun Rinpoche, who is a Taiwanese residing in U.S, founded the church in the early 1980s.
The practice of Feng Shui by the church does not match documentary or archaeological evidence. It relies on mathematical methods and a metaphorical approach to the subject. The practice of BTB is more like an evolution of Feng Shui wofs 2019. Thomas Lin came up with a BTB Bagua that consisted of 8 sectors, which represent the 8 different sectors of life.
The initial 8 points of the Bagua represents the compass point. These entrepreneurs are starting to industrialize Feng Shui as we see more of its films and advertisements of its products on public television.
Another example of Feng Shui being incorporated into modern business is the ‘Sheng Dao’. Harrison G. Kyng invented it in the late 1980s. It incorporates the idea of the 5 Element Theory of Feng Shui into medical uses. He incorporated this theory to allow better recuperation of patients at the nursing homes. Among his other inventions, he invented a compass that includes many new age concepts as well as the Feng Shui concept of harmonic.
The 2 examples listed above show us how modern people incorporate the concepts of Feng Shui into their daily life, even though their ideas were not purely based on the practice of Feng Shui. Now, let us look at some criticisms of the practice of it.
Modern Christians oppose the practice of Feng Shui. They do not agree that harmony and balance of the environment can be adjusted through the use of nonphysical forces such as the so-called positive energy flow (Qi). The practice of such techniques is deemed more likely to be sorcery than a theory.
Also, a television program featured some of the U.S Feng Shui practitioners in action. The practitioners were being criticized by Penn & Teller, the host of the show at that time, for giving inconsistent and contradictory advices.
There have been several criticisms laid on Feng Shui and some refuse to acknowledge the study of it and regard it as plain superstition. However, there have been cases whereby entrepreneurs incorporate the concept of this Chinese Art into business ventures and it turned out to be very successful.
So, is Feng Shui effective? Personally, I truly believe that it is. There are many things that we cannot explain, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. In time, I believe that irrefutable evidence will surface in support of this study. But till that day comes, we can all still enjoy the benefits of Feng Shui today!